
Professor Damian Griffin OBE TD VR BM BCh MA MPhil FRCS(Tr&Orth)

46 reviews

Professor Damian Griffin OBE TD VR BM BCh MA MPhil FRCS(Tr&Orth) was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
9th July 2024

Following a hip replacement, in August 2022, my muscle and tendon become detached. I was referred to Professor Griffin, as a specialist in this area, and was seen quickly. I had not been made aware that this could happen otherwise I would have seen someone quicker. I was given options and decided to go with the repair. The operation was performed November last year. Although I am not totally out of pain, I have significantly reduced the pain killers I was on and I hardly limp now. I still have physiotherapy which helps me keep supple. The repair has changed my life and I am so lucky that Professor Griffin accepted me. Anyone in the same position, I would not hesitate to recommend this repair.

Written by a private patient at The Harley Street Specialist Hospital
23rd May 2024

I was 46 and discovered that I needed major surgery on both of my hips. I had no idea the condition of my body until I was unable to get up from a chair after a long walk one December. Having taken some painkillers and after a nervous journey back to London, I headed for an Xray and MRI where my worst fears were confirmed. I had led a very active life playing lots of tennis, cricket and squash and enjoyed the outdoors. This all sounds very dramatic but it was quite a shock until I was recommended a physio, John Green Physiotherapy, who said to me that there was only one person who he would recommend and that was ‘prof’. My first consultation with Damian was reassuring, to the extent that I recall walking out of his consulting rooms with a huge sense of relief and weight taken off my shoulders. I was nowhere near ready for surgery, and I continued to play tennis, walk and live a normal life for several years in between occasional physio and strengthening gym routines. Five years later, after the pandemic, I decided that in order to get a more regular and full quality of life, as I had young children wishing to join me on the tennis court, I should clear a couple of weeks in my diary (yes, only a couple of weeks!) and book myself in for my procedures. By this time, I’d spent a good 12 months getting myself strong, particularly my glutes and my core which undoubtedly helped my recovery during the first month post op. Damian provides superb and attentive advice and during the whole process (I had two new hips by the end of it) you are carefully managed by his team. I never felt anything other than I was being treated by one of the best surgeons in the world. I am extremely lucky to have been introduced to him. This hard working and inspirational medical man, I would recommend to anybody and would urge anyone with suspected arthritic hips to book a consultation. My late father, an ear, nose and throat consultant surgeon , was a perfectionist , like Damian. I can only say how lucky I have been and how both men have inspired me to try and be one of the best in my profession too.

Written by a private patient at The Harley Street Specialist Hospital
6th April 2024

I would like to prefix this by saying quickly: If you're on the fence about having a hip arthroscopy have one, and have it with Damian, and have it ASAP! I am a GB Para-Badminton athlete (I have one hand, nothing hip related) who joined the full-time program Oct 2023. Within 2 weeks they had identified the range of motion in my hip was suspicious beyond any reasonable doubt. The doctor at the UK sport institute who was assessing me immediately said he knows someone who can give us a clear picture of whats going on. The doctor described Damian as someone who wouldn't rush into surgery, and would make it a top priority that it was the right thing for me moving forward. Needless to say he was spot on. After some initial scans and online meetings with Damian, it was apparent that I would need surgery to remove a rather large 'cam' on the front of both my hips (The 'ball' in the ball and socket joint in my hip, wasn't very round at all...) I was made well aware of every stage of the opperation, what might happen, whats likely to happen, and what the worst case scenario was. Reading other reviews people have left, I think it is obvious that Damian is especially good at putting the patient first, and keeping them very well informed. Unique to my case however, was the initial few weeks post opp. Because I needed both hips done, but having to use crutches with one hand is far from ideal (as Im sure you can imagine), I had a 2 week gap between opperations. This allowed me to use one leg to bear weight on, and only partially weight bear on the crutches. Damian insisted in making the experiance as confortable for me as possible, and I will say I felt I was in very safe hands throughout. For anyone worried about how long recovery will be... at the time of writing I am 4.5 months Post opp now and my hips are pain free and strong. My range of motion has gone from really bad, to average... which feels so surreal. To give an idea of how bad they were, we meausred my squat depth and I could not bend my knees past 120 degrees pre-opp. The range gained was immediate and the pain I felt was only an ache. My hips felt like they had worked really hard... which I guess they were, because I could now use muscles which I had no access to. Now I can squat over 90 degrees with weight on my back. My badminton is better than its ever been but Im still a few months of being given the green light to compete... The last thing I would like to mention is how it has improved other areas of my life. I can now sit at my desk and not hunch my back, so back pain is now far less frequent. Honestly still catch myself having done something which would've caused pain or discomfort, and stopped and smiled... genuinley smiled. I can't stress enough how strictly positive my experience has been, start to finish, and urge anyone on the fence about this to go ahead with it and go ahead with full confidence. Thanks again Damian, and goodluck to whoever may be reading this :)

Written by a private patient at Three Shires Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
23rd February 2024

I have been involved in sport all my life and competed as a strong man with the likes of Geoff capes for many years, I also run my own plumbing heating and gas company. A few years ago my left hip became stiff and painful so my phisio Phil Pask referred me to Professor Griffin. I was diagnosed with requiring a full left hip replacement. I put this off for a couple of years due to concerns about loss of earnings due to time off recovering. As it happened I need not have worried as I was in hospital for 24 hours to have the new hip, walked out and after 2 days using an ice machine returned to office work. 1 week after that I was back servicing boilers and getting in and out of roof spaces. I only missed 1 week at the gym as well. It goes without saying the level of service I received from Professor Griffin and his team was second to none. I am 1 year post op now and the new hip has been life changing from the very start, I can run, row, cycle and do dead lifts, squats with no limitation from the hip. If your worrying that a new hip is the start of being old please dont as it gives you a new lease of life. Regards Roland Hill.

Written by a private patient at The Harley Street Specialist Hospital
12th February 2024

I had my first consultation with Professor Griffin in January exactly 1 year ago. I was 57 years of age, had recently exited from 20+ years of driving a global fintech company, and was a passionate (average) golfer with a handicap of 17. I was hoping to be able to play golf, as much as I wanted to, and be active with my wife and two sons, and enjoy “living” for as long as possible. My problem was my left hip. I was experiencing chronic pain in my left hip for over five years. I had made some very good progress working with a sports strength and conditioning specialist. We were able to eliminate the constant pain I felt at night, which impacted my sleep, but I still could not walk 9 holes of the golf course without experiencing severe pain and would end up limping of the course, feeling that I really was heading down a cul-de-sac. Since working with Professor Griffin, just over 12 months, we have eliminated hip pain (98%), can workout in the gym 6/7 mornings, play golf as much as I want, and I dropped 7 shots from my handicap (HCI = 10.4). The surprising thing; this was achieved without surgery! When I first decided to attend a hip surgeon, I wanted to find someone who helped their patients return to active lifestyles and had a strong track record of achievement. A friend of mine recommended Professor Griffin based on his work with a Leinster and Ireland international rugby player. When I first researched Professor Griffin I was immediately impressed with his diagnostic approach and philosophy. While at the time, I had resigned myself to the fact that I most likely needed a hip resurfacing or total replacement, I wanted to be confident that was the case. When Professor Griffin first reviewed the imaging of my left hip with me, it did not look good. I could clearly see the degeneration and bony growths causing hip impingement. My cartilage was not in great shape either. I thought “well, that’s that”. But Professor Griffin did a detailed physical and movement assessment, and was surprised at how well the joint was still moving and maintaining stability. We agreed to do follow-up examination of the hip under anaesthetic, and do a hyaluronic acid (HA) injection in addition. This procedure was so interesting (and easy). After the anaesthetic, Professor Griffin had me work with his physio to do a number of movements that we had tested prior and confirmed pain to be active or not active. When I repeated those same movements I was able to immediately notice a major portion (or flavour) of the pain had disappeared, but some pain remained. This was key, as my exercise regime in the following weeks was aimed at avoiding movement that caused the pain that was eliminated by the anaesthetic. I then focused on strengthening the hip in movements that caused the pain that remained. The HA injection was also very successful for me. It seemed to give me a pain-free buffer during that critical time to build better strength and stability in the joint. After two weeks I started to notice improvement and gradually increased volume and intensity of activity. After 6 months, I had a follow-up review. Professor Griffin recommended a top-up injection to further preserve the joint, and connected me with a world-renowned golf biomechanics expert. I did a 3D biomechanics assessment of my movement pattern i.e. walking and golf swing. It showed and explained what I was experiencing. In my gait, I was not pronating my left foot properly and in my golf swing I was not transferring my weight to the left side properly. It turns out this was not a physical limitation, it was mental. I had so much mental scar tissue from years of pain with my left hip, I had not retrained my brain to say “it is ok” to put weight on my left side. I am so thankful to Professor Griffin for taking this approach with me and guiding me to this point. It is not the approach you expect when you commit yourself to working with a surgeon. It is however a rare example of what the future of good surgery practice looks like and I would recommend with strong confidence that if you have a hip issue, no matter the severity, try to work with Professor Griffin to help you overcome the challenge and get back to pain free, active living.


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Specialist hip surgeon for young or active people. International expert in hip preservation surgery and hip arthroscopy.